Hisense Air Conditioners in Nigeria, capacities and prices.

Showing all 7 Items
  • +++1.5hp+++100-200k+++1yr+++2 hp air conditioner+++24hrs+++above 200k+++air conditioner+++air conditioner/ceiling air conditioners+++air conditioner/portable+++air conditioner/split air conditioner+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1.5hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/2hp+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners /2 tons/2.5 tons+++cassette air conditioner+++ceiling air conditioner+++conceiled+++deals+++energy saving air conditioner+++hisense+++hisense air conditioner+++hisense appliances+++household appliance+++inverter ac+++inverter airconditioner+++oct1st+++portable air conditioner+++promo+++save+++save2+++split unit+++standing unit+++
  • +++1.5hp+++100-200k+++1yr+++2 hp air conditioner+++24hrs+++above 200k+++air conditioner+++air conditioner/ceiling air conditioners+++air conditioner/portable+++air conditioner/split air conditioner+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1.5hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/2hp+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners /2 tons/2.5 tons+++cassette air conditioner+++ceiling air conditioner+++conceiled+++deals+++energy saving air conditioner+++hisense+++hisense air conditioner+++hisense appliances+++household appliance+++inverter ac+++inverter airconditioner+++oct1st+++portable air conditioner+++promo+++save+++save2+++split unit+++standing unit+++
  • +++1.5hp+++100-200k+++1yr+++2 hp air conditioner+++24hrs+++above 200k+++air conditioner+++air conditioner/ceiling air conditioners+++air conditioner/portable+++air conditioner/split air conditioner+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1.5hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/1hp+++air conditioner/split air conditioner/2hp+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners+++air conditioner/standing air conditioners /2 tons/2.5 tons+++cassette air conditioner+++ceiling air conditioner+++conceiled+++deals+++energy saving air conditioner+++hisense+++hisense air conditioner+++hisense appliances+++household appliance+++inverter ac+++inverter airconditioner+++oct1st+++portable air conditioner+++promo+++save+++save2+++split unit+++standing unit+++
Save ₦67,091
Save ₦66,800
Save ₦39,197
Save ₦138,873
₦3,608,000 ₦3,746,873
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Hisense Air Conditioners are suitable for every apartment and if they are no space on the floor, you have the split unit air conditioners. They also have window unit air conditioners and Floor standing unit air conditioners. 

You can get any of the Hisense Air Conditioners within the price range of N60,000 - N490,000

Hisense air conditioners are designed to make cleaning and maintenance after purchase very easy to preserve the lifespan of the air conditioner. Hisense also produces portable and dehumidifier air Conditioners that suit your choice of need. All Hisense air conditioners feature the dehumidification mode that helps to remove excessive humidity from the space it is cooling. Hisense portable air conditioners come with caster wheels for moving the unit from room to room and a remote with all functions.


Every Hisense Air Conditioner is built with the highest standards; making any choice you make a smart choice.